Pink Lemonade
We all know the saying, "When life gives you lemons, make lemonade!" Sure, life can be hard, but there is goodness in even the sour moments. It is my hope to find the sugary-pink sweetness of every single day.
Saturday, February 19, 2022
On Disability And Superheroes
Saturday, November 13, 2021
The "folklore" of Taylor Swift -- Part 5: "And I loved in shades of wrong"
Monday, February 15, 2021
The "folklore" of Taylor Swift -- Part 4: "Flash forward, and we're taking on the world together..."
For me, the month of November holds significant sweetness. The beauty of fall lingers in the last of the curling leaves on bitter cold branches, and the vibrant reds and golds of October give way to the sleepy hues of coffee brown and mulled wine red, all chilled beneath a blue charcoal sky. Christmas is only a month away, and the world seems like it is finally nestling into a perpetual coziness.
For Taylor Swift fans, November is always a pretty big deal. It's the month in which Taylor has given us a few of her albums (Fearless; Reputation) and some major press tours for albums released in the latter part of October. (Taylor Swift; Speak Now; Red and 1989). Of course, it is the month that, I'd argue, inspired her most autumnal album Red. (We'll talk about that album in the next post, but suffice it to say, I can never think of maple lattes, lost scarves, and falling leaves without thinking of the allusions to Taylor's romantic and bittersweet Thanksgiving spent in upstate New York, as presented in the fan-favorite song "All Too Well".) It seems that Taylor Swift really has a thing for the autumnal months. And can you blame her? It's truly the most wonderful time of the year. This is one of the reasons why I think she and I would be really good friends.
November is also the time of year when I think most of my cousin, Brielle, who now lives in Boston. I haven't seen her in over a year, but I miss her very much.
Growing up, Brielle was the closest thing I had to a sister. We were both the oldest of three kids, and both of us had little brothers, so our chosen sisterhood was really something special. Brielle was the maid of honor in my wedding, and her Maid of Honor Speech chronicled the nearly three decades of stories that the two of us share. From handcuffing ourselves together at the end of one family gathering so that we wouldn't have to say goodbye, to endless summer days on my Uncle Dave's boat, Brielle and I have many incredible memories. And, for a brief stint, November was the time when the two of us would plan our yearly Girls' Weekends.
We'd spend two full days shopping and giggling, spending way too much money, and lamenting our status as broke graduate students. Sometimes, we'd dress up and hit the town, flirting with strangers in bars, and dancing until closing time. One time, we raided my too full closet to see how much we could sell to a second hand store that paid cash on the spot. We made $68, and promptly used that for cab fare and drinks at The B.O.B. Other weekends, we'd hunker down at my apartment in our pajamas, watch Christmas movies, drink fancy cocktails and decorate my living room in preparation for the upcoming holiday season. We always drank copious amounts of coffee, and ate too much lemon cake for breakfast. And, Taylor Swift always provided the soundtrack of the weekend.
There are a lot of moments, specifically, that I connect with memories of Brielle and me and Taylor Swift. Belting out "We Are Never Ever Ever Getting Back Together" in my apartment when Brielle broke up with that sleazy guy from Detroit who had been stringing her along for months. (2015) Cranking up the Fearless album on summer drives. (2009) Using "Shake It Off" as THE anthem to bring me the courage to tell an incredibly rude bartender that, yes, blind girls go clubbing, too. (You can read that full adventure in a blog post from May of 2015 on this blog! Be warned, there is course language in that post.)
Yet, this blog post, dedicated to the music of the Speak Now album, is one that is most fitting to talk about my beautiful cousin Brielle, and how this particular selection of Taylor's music is especially remembered on cold November nights.
On Thanksgiving night 2010, Taylor Swift had a concert special on NBC. She was promoting her new album Speak Now, and Brielle and I couldn't wait to watch it together. We were both on Thanksgiving break from college, and we rushed down into my parents' basement to watch the concert together. The album itself had been released a month prior, so we both already knew quite a few of the songs. It is a beautiful album, the first in Taylor's career where she wrote every single song by herself. The songs are beautifully diverse in both the stories they tell, and the genres with which they are told. "Haunted" and "The Story of Us" are both edgier in their gritty-guitar hooks and words of sharp-and-broken relationships. "Last Kiss", and "Dear John" rely on the familiar swooning of soft drum-kicks and acoustic guitar strings where Taylor is most at home. And songs like "Never Grow Up" and "Innocent" offer something akin to alternative folk, as they weave stories of childhood memories and the universal need for forgiveness and grace.
For all it's variety, though, I still think of Speak Now as a country album at its roots, with experimental pop music on the periphery. And the lead single, "Mine" showcases that perfectly. That night, as we watched the the concert, we were swept up in the opening guitar strums and Taylor's sweet, "Ah-ah-a-ah-ah" of the song's intro. Brielle clutched my hand. We both LOVED that song, "Mine". To this day, I still think it is one of Taylor's best "storytelling songs", and one that I found quite relatable. The lyrics detailed how I envisioned my future coupled self. Taylor sings about college, and leaving small towns, and taking on the world with the guy she would hopefully spend the rest of her life with. In the second verse, she hints at the "adult" nature of their relationship with: "And there's a drawer of my stuff at your place." But the most important lyrics come soon after that. "You learn my secrets, and you figure out why I'm guarded. You say we'll never make my parents' mistakes."
Taylor's parents divorced was she was a young girl, and this song reveals that her fears about relationships, and her mistrust of love might just come from having a "careless father", and that she can't trust the stability of commitment because leaving is "all I've ever known."
I'll never forget what Brielle said at this moment. "This song is my life," she said. "Taylor is singing about my exact experience."
You see, like Taylor Swift, my cousin Brielle is a child of divorce. Her parents' marriage ended suddenly and unexpectedly in late summer of 2003. Brielle was just 12 years old, and as we sat in my parents' darkened basement all those years later, she was able to use the lyrics from the pages of a pop singer's diary as a tool for her own expression of grief and mistrust.
"You made a rebel of a careless man's careful daughter. You are the best thing, that's ever been mine." Taylor sings to her imagined future lover in the chorus.
"I want that for myself," Brielle told me. "I want someone who will fight for me and stay with me, even when I am so afraid that they won't."
Since then, Brielle and I have had a lot of conversations about how divorce shakes a child's trust in the world around them. I believe that it truly is a trauma, even if mainstream society hasn't been quick to ascribe that weightiness to children from broken homes. Brielle and I have spoken about how living through a parents' divorce -- especially a Christian divorce -- thwarts belief in the possibility of lasting love and commitment. How it encourages the constant spiraling in and out of relationships with the "wrong guys" because of a fear of expecting something good. Divorce, in short, is incredibly painful for the children who feel forgotten and discarded by the promise of a stable, two-parent home.
But there is hope after divorce, both for the parents, and the children, and Brielle has also been able to live her life as a testimony to that truth. The strength that she forged through this experience, has shaped her into the bold woman that she is today. I'm so endlessly proud of her.
A lot has changed in the last decade. Brielle and I are both older and wiser in life and in love, but we still love a good Taylor Swift song. I have been married for nearly three years, and I can tell you that marriage is absolutely nothing like a Taylor Swift love song. And that's a good thing. But, sometimes marriage is absolutely everything like a Taylor Swift love song. And that's also a good thing. The beauty of a songwriter is that they are able to distill the whole spectrum of human emotions into three minutes, and make you feel as though you are not alone in the work, and the struggle and the triumphs and sorrows of a life willingly shared with another person.
And this fall, my beautiful cousin Brielle finally gets to embark on this beautiful and hard journey of commitment and trust, when she marries the love of her life. Adam, I am so thankful for you. I am so thankful that you point Brielle to Christ, and that you love her and challenge her; that you encourage her, and that you protect her. You learn from her, and you teach her. She is absolutely in love with you.
Know this. Marriage is hard work. It will be some of the hardest work you will ever endure, and there is an entire culture out there that would lead you to believe that it's an archaic waste-of-time, worth abandoning at the first sign of unhappiness or discontent. Don't believe it. Because, marriage is also one of the happiest things you can ever have. It is good. Through marriage, God will sharpen you both, bring you unspeakable joy, and endless bouts of comfort and friendship. Marriage is a beautiful gift. It isn't the ultimate gift -- you both know that -- but it is a beautiful gift. I am thrilled for you both.
The other day, I received Brielle and Adam's Save The Date. It was a picture of them, moments after Adam proposed. They are cinematic in their embrace, true love radiating all around them, as they stand by the water's edge. And I couldn't help but think of the engagement scene in the Taylor Swift music video for "Mine". The lyrics from that scene are below Brielle and Adam's engagement picture.
Saturday, October 24, 2020
The "folklore" of Taylor Swift -- Part 3: "To Live For The Hope Of It All"
In her newest album, folklore, Taylor Swift presents a trio of songs that she calls the "Teenage Love Triangle". These songs, "cardigan", "betty", and "august", are each sung from a different character's point of view about the relationships within the triangle.
In the song "august" one character sings:
Back when we were still changing for the better
Wanting was enough
For me, it was enough
To live for the hope of it all
Cancel plans just in case you'd call
And say "Meet me behind the mall"
So much for summer love, and saying "Us"
'Cause you weren't mine to lose.
In this particular song, the narrator is "the other woman" in The Teenage Love Triangle, yet as I listened to these lyrics in particular, I couldn't help but resonate with the pulsating rush of infatuation. It took me back to when I was naïve and nineteen, "still changing for the better" and living for sun-drenched dreams of romance and fairytales.
"It's your freshman year, and you're gonna be here, for the next four years in this town."
Taylor Swift sings these lyrics on the song 'Fifteen', the second track on her second album Fearless. It's one of the examples of writing that I like to think about whenever anyone accuses Taylor's music of being singular in focus; that she *only* writes about the boys who broke her heart. This song, much like others in Ms. Swift's collection is autobiographical, but instead of naming names and seeking revenge, she's simply giving us a picture of her high school experience that is both personal and universally applicable to the challenges of being fifteen and the crushing blows of a first love gone wrong. In this song, she speaks to the loss of virginity ("And Abigail gave everything she had to a boy who changed his mind. And we both cried.") and identity crisis ("I find time can heal most anything. And you might find who you're supposed to be." ). I remember what it felt like to sit with girlfriends as they shared stories of first sexual experiences, and of course, holding closely to my dear friend, Aaron, who was struggling with every ounce of his identity.
Taylor Swift released her second studio album, Fearless, in November of 2008. I was nineteen years old, and in my freshman year at Calvin College.
I struggled with leaving high school behind me. The loss of that familiarity sent me into my own depression, one from which I didn't have the tools to come out of readily, or the knowledge to ask about. So, I threw myself into my studies, and played Fearless over and over and over again. Hearing Taylor sing about high school and small towns, was really comforting for me. This album became the soundtrack of that academic year.
It certainly helped that this was also the album that catapulted Taylor Swift to the top of the charts, so it seemed like her music was everywhere. I was so excited when her break-up song "White Horse" was featured on an episode of Grey's Anatomy (which was my favorite show at the time), and the first single, "Love Story", became the song that my roommate, Tiffany, and I most often played when we needed a study break. We always sang our loudest during that key-change in the final bridge-to-chorus: ("He knelt to the ground, and pulled out a ring and said MARRY ME, JULIET! YOU NEVER HAD TO BE ALONE!") The high-school anthem, "You Belong With Me" (which became one of the top songs of 2009), was a second favorite and, to this day, I think it has one of the best melodies that Swift has released. It's just really fun to sing along with! Also, I'm really fond of the lyrics, "And you've got a smile that could light up this whole town." When I first heard those words, I couldn't wait to sing that about someone I really loved.
Of course, Fearless was also the first album that gave the public fodder for the celebrity "Who's Who?" behind the lyrics. In her first album, Taylor sang about guys named Drew and Cory, fellow classmates of hers. You know, before she was famous. It was on Fearless that Taylor wrote about her relationship and break-up with Jo Jonas (of the Disney-endorsed boyband The Jonas Brothers), but I didn't really care about her dating life at that time. I was too busy figuring out my own heart. Freshman year of college brought multiple new crushes and heartbreaks.
As I attended a small Christian college, there was always the buzz about "freshman frenzy", "ring by Spring," "MRS degree", and the coveted "Calvin walk". Though I didn't grow up in Christian culture, where marriage was viewed as something that should be pursued in your early twenties, my incurable romanticism was absolutely encouraged in the setting where so many spoke about finding their husband or wife by twenty-two. I don't know that I necessarily yearned to be a wife or a homemaker at the time, but I desperately wanted love. I wanted to be loved, and to give it. This was a fervent desire that lasted for much of my twenties (and one that led to some pretty disastrous life choices), but when I was at Calvin, my feelings were just exposed and raw, all the time, it seems.
I fell "in love" quickly, and often. I imagined every chance encounter to be the beginning of my own grand love story. I lived as though walking through the pages of my own romance novel, hoping that I'd just causally bump into my soulmate on one of Calvin's picturesque lawns, and I'd forever tell the story of meeting my one true love. There were a lot of guys who caught my attention that first year at Calvin, and all of them had their own Taylor Swift song in my playlist. There was the junior who offered to take my arm and walked me to my dorm one night. And there was the boy I *literally* fell for on my first day on campus, who preferred the company of my roommate. Then there was a guy from my past -- we had gone to church together as kids, and our parents knew each other. (Maybe we'd fall in love and get married in our home church!) And then I met the brooding young writer with soft eyes, and a smoking habit that he was continually trying to break. That one, in particular, was an unrequited love that lasted years. And of course, Taylor always provided the perfect words for my broken heart.
Musically, and lyrically, I don't think that Fearless is the best album that Taylor Swift has to offer. It's definitely the least played in my collection of her music. But I deeply appreciate what it did for her as an artist -- allowing her a more public stage -- and what the album meant for me at a time when everything felt like constant transition and anticipation. And, there are certainly some treasured gems in that tracklist. In 2015, when I met my husband, everything about falling in love was terrifying. Yet David made me feel safe, and treasured. I felt... fearless.
So, one night, while the snow fell around us, we sat in David's car, and I played him the title track from the Fearless album. I told him, before we listened, "These lyrics are exactly how I feel about you."
We're drivin' down the road
I wonder if you know
I'm tryin' so hard
not to get caught up now
But you're just so cool
Run your hands through your hair
Absent-mindedly makin' me want you
And I don't know how
it gets better than this
You take my hand
and drag me head first
And I don't know why
but with you I'd dance
In a storm
in my best dress
So, thanks, Taylor.
Wednesday, July 29, 2020
The "folklore" of Taylor Swift - Part 2: "Peter Losing Wendy"
In "cardigan" one character sings:
"I knew you, tried to change the ending, Peter losing Wendy."
That lyric, Peter losing Wendy brought to mind my own high school experience. How I first fell in love with my own boy from Never Never Land, and how Taylor Swift's first album provided the soundtrack for that season of my life.
I hated country music.
Taylor's self-titled debut album (which was released in 2006) didn't contain "I'd Lie", but it was filled songs that accessed pieces of my heartache for Aaron. That whole summer, I was filled with such melancholy - fear of what leaving high school behind would mean, fear that I would lose all of my friends, and the ultimate fear that Aaron would forget me in his quest for fame, and building a foundation to set off to Hollywood. I remember sitting up until the early hours of the morning, playing Taylor's songs, "Cold As You", and "Invisible", and "Teardrops On My Guitar" over and over and over again on my CD player, crying into my diary as I wrote prayers to God, asking why Aaron wouldn't love me.
My ache for Aaron continued throughout my freshman year of college. There were other crushes, certainly, but something so magnetic about the skinny kid from back home. I wrote poems about him for my English homework assignments, and I kept his senior picture tucked away in the back pocket of my diary. He was the boy in my heart's back pocket, the thousands of pictures kept "in my mind, so I can save them for a rainy day", to borrow the Swift lyric from the song "Stay Beautiful". I was jealous of the dreams that took him away from Michigan, and I was afraid of the other girls he met on his jet-setting back and forth across the country. I found that Taylor's chorus of "Stay Beautiful" became one of my anthems as I dealt with Aaron leaving me again, and not having a clue about the brightness of the torch that I carried for him.
"You're beautiful.
Every little piece, love.
And don't you know?
You're really gonna be someone.
Ask anyone.
And when you find
Everything you've looked for.
I hope your life
Leads you back to my front door.
Oh, but if it don't,
Stay beautiful."
Aaron wanted to be an actor, and got his start as Peter Pan in Disney World. He was perfect for the role -- eternally youthful, thin, energetic, nimble and ever-chasing his dreams "straight on 'til morning." And I wanted to be his Wendy.
For Christmas 2009, Aaron sent me a beautiful six-page love letter, and lavished me with thoughtful gifts. He wrote to me about having visions of our future - the children we would have together, how we would support each other in our careers, and other really serious stuff. I remember thinking that the depth of the letter was something that should warrant the presentation of a ring. I remember going home for Christmas break, really confused about how to feel. I was both angry and touched. Angry because we had been playing this game of "Will They or Won't They?" for years, and touched because - maybe? - this was a "sign" that Aaron and I were supposed to be together. I let myself think about the idea of marriage with him, and in some ways, it was comfortable.
And it played with my heart. Because I knew something about Aaron that Aaron hadn't even told me, yet.
My best friend, Aaron, whom I had fallen in love with, was gay.
While Taylor Swift may write about traditional teenage love triangles, my love triangle with Aaron was always and forever going to be the two of us, and his attraction to guys. He grew up in a traditional Christian home. Being attracted to men was a struggle of his that we talked about many times, often in the hypothetical, but I knew that Aaron was gay, even if he wasn't ready to admit it to the world. He was bullied by so many people in our high school. My upbringing was much more open to accepting homosexuality, so I always showed Aaron that I would accept him, no matter what happened. Aaron has told me that it was my care for him during those dark times that saved him from taking his own life. May that be a lesson to all of us. Compassion literally saves lives.
Yet, I also wanted to believe that I could be enough for him. To believe that I could be the one woman who made him decide that "Yeah, I like guys, but Cassaundra is all the woman I need." I'll never forget that, when Aaron eventually did come out to me in a McDonald's parking lot in December of 2011, he told me,"You would be the ideal wife, you know." That was supposed to be comforting, I know, but I distinctly remember looking down at my cold french fries and thinking, "So why not choose me?"
I've had nearly a decade to reflect back on that reaction. I realize now that I didn't have enough self-worth to believe that any man would ever want me as a real wife - the kind of wife with whom he would share sexual desire, intimacy and all-encompassing companionship. I honestly thought that I would be content "playing house" with a closeted gay man for the rest of my life, and that even if I wasn't truly fulfilled, this would be a loving and sacrificial thing to do for Aaron. At the time, keeping up appearances mattered so much to Aaron. And, somehow I thought that that if we married, it would grant me a semblance of my own dreams. Being married to a gay man, I thought, was better than not being married at all.
Since that time, thankfully, Aaron and I have both found our place in the world. We inhabit different spaces, both literally and metaphorically. He lives out in California, and I'm still here in Michigan. He works as an actor on the sound stages of Hollywood, creating stories for the masses. I make my living as a counselor, working in a tiny office, listening to the stories of one. His faith life is marked by the expressive teachings of Pentecostalism, and I have found truth among the"frozen chosen" of Presbyterianism and Reformed theology. Yet, for all of our differences, we are still so close, and so dear to one another.
We both still listen to Taylor Swift, and talk about the impact that her music has on our lives. When her album 1989 released a multitude of radio hits in 2015, we cranked it up and belted out the lyrics. That same summer, we recorded our duet of Taylor's "Love Story" together, with Aaron playing the ukulele and me singing about a Romeo that I had met that summer. (Hint: I was totally using Taylor's lyrics to sing about my now-husband, David.)
Today, the lyrics of "Stay Beautiful" are still true for my relationship with Aaron, even if the meaning has changed.
"And when you find
Everything you've looked for.
I hope your life
Leads you back to my front door.
Stay beautiful."
I am thankful for first loves, and final loves, and friendships that withstand the changes of time. No matter where life leads, I'm thankful for the beauty of these memories, and the music that calls them back to my heart.
"I'd Lie"
"Stay Beautiful"
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Cassaundra and Aaron, 2006. |
Thursday, July 23, 2020
The "folklore" of Taylor Swift: Introduction
Tuesday, December 31, 2019
A Decade of Words: Books I've Read from 2010-2019
I wonder what the next decade of reading will bring. Happy New Year 2020!
- The World To Come (Horn)
- The Autobiography of Alice B. Toklas (Stein)
- Nightwood (Barnes)
- Shakespeare and Company (Beach)
- House of incest (Nin)
- All Other Nights (Horn)
- The Sparrow (Russell)
- Celebration of Discipline: The Path to Spiritual Growth (Foster)
- Bread and Wine: Readings for Lent and Easter (Various)
- The Screwtape Letters (Lewis)
- Loves Me. Loves Me Not: The Ethics of Unrequited Love (Smit)
- The Last Song (Sparks)
- I Kissed Dating Goodbye (Harris)
- Boy Meets Girl: Saying Hello to Courtship (Harris)
- The Grapes Of Wrath (Steinbeck)
- Home (Robinson)
- Take This Bread (Miles)
- The Bible and The Future (Hoekema)
- Lizzie Bright and the Buckminster Boy (Schmidt)
- The Wednesday Wars (Schmidt)
- Trouble (Schmidt)
- Okay For Now (Schmidt)
- Charlotte Temple (Haswell Rowson)
- The Tale of Despereaux (DiCamillo)
- Sarah, Plain and Tall (MacLachlan)
- Strawberry Girl (Lenski)
- Farmer Boy (Ingalls Wilder)
- Bridge to Terabithia (Paterson)
- Dogsong (Paulsen)
- Jane Eyre (Bronte)
- Captivating (Eldredge)
- England, England (Barnes)
- A Fine Balance (Mistry)
- Red Earth and Pouring Rain (Chandra)
- Map of the Invisible World (Aw)
- Straw Into Gold (Schmidt)
- Midnight’s Children (Rushdie)
- Ghostwritten (Mitchell)
- The In-Between World of Vikram Lall (Vassanji)
- The Untouchable (Banvile)
- Arcadia (Stoppard)
- White Teeth (Smith)
- Little Women (Alcott)
- Walden (Thoreau)
- New Rules: Polite Musings from a Timid Observer (Maher)
- New New Rules (Maher)
- Seriously...I’m Kidding (DeGeneres)
- Good Stuff (Grant)
- Amazing Grace (Kozol)
- Dear Cary (Canon)
- Bird by Bird (Lamott)
- Dispatches from the Edge (Cooper)
- Knocking At Your Door (Rademacher)
- Girls Who Like Boys Who Like Boys (Various)
- It Seemed Important At The Time (VanderBilt)
- Mennonite In A Little Black Dress (Janzen)
- What Came From The Stars (Schmidt)
- The Ring (Steele)
- The Help (Stockett)
- The Great Gatsby (Fitzgerald)
- Once Upon A Secret: My Affair with President John F. Kennedy and its Aftermath (Alford)
- Thrive (Huffington)
- Who Stole the American Dream? (Smith)
- Lucky Man (Fox)
- Fifth Avenue, 5 A.M (Wasson)
- The Witness Wore Red: The 19th Wife Who Brought Polygamous Cult Leaders to Justice (Musser)
- I Must Say: My Life As A Humble Comedy Legend (Short)
- Summer at Tiffany (Hart)
- Building the Bridge As You Walk On It (Walker)
- To Kill A Mockingbird (Lee)
- Go Set A Watchman (Lee)
- Singled Out: Why Celibacy Must Be Reinvented In Today's Church (Colon; Field)
- Orbiting Jupiter (Schmidt)
- The Four Loves (Lewis)
- Silent Screams (Gregory)
- A Christmas Carol (Dickens)
- We Want To Believe: Faith & Gospel in "The X-Files" (Donaldson)
- From Anna (Little)
- Every Good Endeavor (Keller)
- Rebecca (du Maurier)
- The Prodigal God (Keller)
- Notes From Underground (Dostoevsky)
- Bad Feminist (Gay)
- The Meaning of Marriage (Keller)
- Wives Of War (Lane)
- Disability and The Gospel (Beates)
- The Gospel According to Jesus (MacArthur)
- The Disabled God (Eiesland)
- The Nightingale (Hannah)
- The Gospel Comes With A House Key (Butterfield)
- The Virginia State Colony for Epileptics and FeebleMinded (McCully Brown)
- Gay Girl, Good God (Hill Perry)
- Eve in Exile: and the Restoration of Femininity (Merkle)
- The Secret Thoughts of an Unlikely Convert (Champagne Butterfield)
- When Helping Hurts (Corbett; Fikkert)
- Women of the Word (Wilkin)
- Wife-Dressing: The Fine Art of Being A Well-Dressed Wife (Fogarty)
- The Social Contexts of Disability Ministry (Herzog)
- The Scarlet Virgins: When Sex Replaces Salvation (Lemke)
- The 10 Commandments: What They Mean, Why They Matter, and Why We Should Obey Them (DeYoung)
- The Unsaved Christian: Reaching Cultural Christianity with the Gospel (Inserra)
- Broken Pieces And The God Who Mends Them: Schizophrenia Through A Mother's Eyes (Carr)
- Liturgy of the Ordinary (Harrison Warren)
- Dark Clouds, Deep Mercy (Vroegop)
- Girl, Stop Apologizing (Hollis)
- Lies Women Believe (DeMoss Wolgemuth)
- Pay Attention, Carter Jones (Schmidt)
- Love Like That (Parrott)
- Why Can't We Be Friends? (Byrd)
- Becoming Mrs. Lewis (Callahan)
- A Grief Observed (Lewis)
- Same Lake Different Boat (Hubach)
- Bold Love (Allender)
- The Holiness of God (Sproul)
- Joni: An Unforgettable Story (Eareckson-Tada)